UI/UX Design

A Culinary Design Sprint

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I embarked on a solo design sprint challenge to challenge myself as a product designer. My intention was to flex my skills in quick ideation and decisive decision-making. The goal of the sprint was to understand the problem, quickly ideate, wireframe, and prototype in five days.

Day 1: Understanding and mapping: laying the foundation

Day 1 of the sprint aims to lay the foundation by understanding the problem. I gathered data from the usability research and grouped it into the top themes. I then created some user maps based on the user's intended goal. I chose the map that best addressed the user's needs.

Day 2: Creativity in the ideation process

Day 2 was a dive into the realm of possibilities. Using the user map as my guide, I sketched my critical screens. The result? Three pivotal screens—a home screen that shows multiple recipe collections to choose from, a recipe screen that communicates skill and time investment at a glance, and direction screens that simplify the cooking journey. Each element was crafted to guide users through their culinary exploration intuitively.

Solution sketches of home, recipe and direction screens

Day 3 & 4: Transforming ideas into tangible solutions

The following days were all about making firm decisions and prototyping. I transitioned from low-fidelity wireframes that captured the core of the users flow to high-fidelity frames that added a layer of branding, content, and clarity. I ended day 4 with a prototype focused on the 'choose-and-cook' user flow.

Day 5: Validating and refining through user insights

During Day 5, I did usability testing to gather insights from my typical user. My key learnings:

  • The step-by-step imagery acted as an aid in the cooking process
  • The directions resonated with users, who commented that the combination of simple steps and photos made it easy to follow as a beginner.
  • The content hierarchy effectively prepared users for the cooking journey ahead. 
  • Users shared confusion around navigation.


Working at a sprint pace has taught me to be decisive in my decision-making. This includes deciding which screens are necessary to truly solve the business case, rather than diving deeper during a short sprint. Lastly, I have learned to keep my focus on what user feedback would provide the highest impact within my short timeframe.

View the final prototype

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